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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Stole this from Cassey!

Let's see how many of 122 stupid things I have done ;)

Level 1
Smoked A Cigarette
Smoked A Cigar
Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
Drank Alcohol


Level 2
Are / Been In Love
dumped someone
Been Fired
Been In A Fist Fight


Level 4
Had A Crush On An Older Person
Skipped School
Slept With A Co-worker
Seen Someone / Something Die


Level 5
Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
Been To Paris
Been To Spain
Been On A Plane
Thrown Up From Drinking


Level 6
Eaten Sushi
Been Snowboarding
Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook
Been in a Mosh Pit


Level 7
Been In An Abusive Relationship
Taken Pain Killers (Tylenol counts)
Love/loved Someone Who You Cant Have
Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
Made A Snow Angel

SO FAR: 12

Level 8
Had A Tea Party
Flown A Kite
Built A Sand Castle
Gone mudding (offroading)
Played Dress Up

SO FAR: 14

Level 9
Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
Gone Sledging
Cheated While Playing A Game
Been Lonely
Fallen Asleep At Work / School

SO FAR: 18

Level 10
Watched The Sun Set
Felt An Earthquake
Killed A Snake

SO FAR: 19

Level 11
Been Tickled
Been Robbed / Vandalized
Been cheated on
Been Misunderstood

SO FAR: 22

Level 12
Won A Contest
Been Suspended From School
Had Detention
Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident

SO FAR: 22

Level 13
Had / Have Braces
Eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
Danced in the moonlight

SO FAR : 22

Level 14
Hated The Way You Look
Witnessed A Crime
Pole Danced
Questioned Your Heart
Been obsessed with post-it-notes

SO FAR: 25

Level 15
Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
Been Lost
Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
Swam In The Ocean
Felt Like You Were Dying

SO FAR: 28

Level 16
Cried Yourself To Sleep
Played Cops And Robbers
Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
Sang Karaoke
Paid For A Meal With Only Coins

SO FAR: 32

Level 17
Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
Made Prank Phone Calls
Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
Kissed In The Rain

SO FAR: 34

Level 18
Written A Letter To Santa Claus
Watched The Sun Set/ sun rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
Blown Bubbles
Made A Bonfire On The Beach or anywhere

SO FAR: 36

Level 19
Crashed A Party
Have Traveled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
Gone Rollerskating / Blading
Had A Wish Come True
Been Humped By A Monkey

SO FAR: 39

Level 20
Worn Pearls
Jumped Off A Bridge
Screamed "Penis" or "Vagina"
Swam With Dolphins

SO FAR: 39

Level 22
Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/ice Cube
Kissed A Fish
Worn The Opposite Sex's Clothes
Sat On A Roof Top

SO FAR : 41

Level 23
Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel
Talked On The Phone For More Than 6 Hours
Recently stayed Up for a while talking to someone you care about

SO FAR: 42

Level 24
Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
Climbed A Tree
Had/Been In A Tree House
Been scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone

SO FAR: 44

Level 25
Believed In Ghosts
Have had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
Gone Streaking
Visited Jail

SO FAR: 45

Level 26
Played Chicken
Been Pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
Broken A Bone
Been Easily Amused

SO FAR: 47

Level 27
Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
Made A Porn Video/got asked to make one
Caught A Butterfly
Laughed So Hard You Cried
Cried So Hard You Laughed

SO FAR: 51

Level 28
Mooned/Flashed Someone
Had Someone Moon/Flash You
Cheated On A Test
Forgotten Someone's Name
French Braided Someones Hair
Gone Skinny Dipping
Been Kicked Out Of Your House
Tried to hurt yourself

SO FAR: 55

Level 29
Rode A Roller Coaster
Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling
Had A Cavity
Black-Mailed Someone
Been Black Mailed

SO FAR: 57

Level 31
Been Used
Fell Going Up The Stairs
Licked A Cat
Bitten Someone
Licked Someone

SO FAR : 60

Level 32
Been shot at/or at gunpoint
Had sex in the rain
Flattened someones tires
Rode your car/truck until the gas light came on
Got five dollars or less worth of gas


I've done HALF of the most stupid things. I'm such a good girl, unlike Cassey (who, by the way, scored 96!). What a weird survey. It has SUSHI as one of the most stupid things.

I love sushi :(


& turned on the lights; 12:56

Friday, June 29, 2007

Finished my English essay. I did it in two hours with 30 minutes of preparation beforehand. Faxed it off to school. Now it's a matter of whether Ms Knorr got the fax or not. I hope she did. That's just one of the many essays I'm expected to write this holiday. And two hours? Man, I need to speed up.

Watched Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer yesterday afternoon with Cassey and her sister, Ray, Ivan Chong and Riana. It wasn't as bad as I had thought, although I was very disappointed with it's shortness. It only ran for 90 minutes! It felt far too short-lived for a movie. The graphics were pretty cool though. I would've preferred something else like Oceans Thirteen or Transformers though. Both of which are on my to-watch list before heading back to Sydney. My list also includes Half Nelson, Die Hard 4 and POTC: At World's End (which I know, I should've watched AGES ago - but someone was busy studying and preparing for assessment tasks!). I've got alot to catch up on.


I've been looking for a little self-confidence in myself lately. It's the self-confidence I need to push myself into change. I've been thinking alot about how there have been many people this year alone who have mistaken me for the opposite sex, and I'm growing tired of it.

First of all, to set the record -- I am straight. I dig men. Doesn't it show from all the times I've spoken about Daniel Craig and Ewan McGregor? Ok. I am straight.

Thing is, it's most likely that no one really knows. And based on first impressions, I'll bet I'm immediately labelled as otherwise. I like to dress like a guy. I like guy's perfume. I like guy things, and I can't help it. It's not like I modelled myself into what I am today on purpose. That's me. But now, that me is facing a struggle. A struggle between what I'm like today, and what I imagine myself to be in the future. And something's got to be done.

I figured that I don't like to dress femininely because I'm unhappy with my body image. I'm afraid to show myself. I'm afraid because I hate my body image. This is my theory. I figured, if I shaped up, I might reconsider changing my look. I might have the confidence to dress differently - to dress like my age. I just can't be wearing khaki shorts for the rest of my life. I'm almost out of school, and I need to start dressing more appropriately - or people will continuously be judging me for otherwise.

However, this self-confidence is not easy to gain. Nobody ever said it is. It takes time to build. I'm just hoping that it won't take too long.

Sometimes, I dare to wonder if my parents' divorce had a play in this. For most of our childhood, Riana and I grew up without a father figure in the house. I start to wonder, what if that was the reason for why I'm like this? Maybe that was all I needed, a father figure in my life while growing up. I remember listening to my English teacher talking about the psycho-analytical approach to texts -- children without a father during their childhood tend to focus on the closest father figure to them. It may be an uncle or a brother, a family friend or some other person. I can't help but wonder if that's why I turned out to be the way I am.

Or maybe I just look too deep into things. I don't know. One thing will remain with me for the rest of the days ahead though -- this change will happen.


PS. Urgh, great. Dinner with dad's side of the family tomorrow night. I swear if my aunt Pauline gives me shit again for things that don't have anything to do with her, I'm going to start a fscking row. And then I'll tell you all about it later! ;)

PPS. Ray LaMontagne is love.

& turned on the lights; 22:53

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Note to self: write your English essay if you don't want to be murdered by Ms Knorr.


The last 50 things you might not know about me! :)


51) feel bad everytime I wake up later than 10 in the morning, because that's time wasted on sleep.

52) am a Christian, but I don't go to church and I'm starting to have doubts... BUT -

53) pray anyway at times of trouble. Especially before exams and things like that.

54) am a huge hypocrite, and I'm very aware of it.

55) hate sleeping in long pants.

56) love sleeping in hockey socks in winter.

57) dig indie and alternative music, ever since I started listening to Grey's Anatomy music.

58) play tennis and soccer.

59) own four guitars (two acoustics, one classical and one electric)

60) don't want to drive, but because driving would make it easier to get to college, I must.

61) hate shopping for clothes because I think I can't fit into anything.

62) don't wander into the men's section anymore because I'm trying so hard to change.

63) eat chocolate even when I have a sore throat! And drink milk!

64) had a "boyfriend" in Year 8, but I'm starting to consider that relationship as just a close friendship.

65) wore my uncle's spectacles while watching TV when I was young because I thought they were cool -- look at me now. xD

66) am a huge pessimist, but when it comes to friends I change. Hypocrite, much?

67) have been blogging since I was in Year 8. That's almost 5 years.

68) like to believe that I was the first person in my school (back at AISM) to own an iPod.

69) thought "approximately" meant "exactly", and only found out I was so damn wrong in Year 10.

70) grind my teeth in my sleep (apparently!).

71) stopped believing in "best friends" since Year 4, and I still don't believe in it today.

72) like to talk back at the junior years in the boarding house because I like to feel authoritative.

73) have been mistaken for a boy by so many people this year, it's really not funny.

74) am eighteen, and my 16-year-old sister has done more things than me.

75) used to call myself a loner, but in actual fact, I hate being alone.

76) always manage to fit a bowl of green tea ice-cream with red bean paste in my tummy after a big Japanese meal - full or not.

77) have an American accent, and I absolutely despise it.

78) think Americans are stupid. (Sorry if there are any reading this, but you'll have to prove otherwise!)

79) swear alot like it's a part of my immediate vocabulary.

80) used to collect Pokemon cards and play the Gameboy games too.

81) also still have those Pokemon cards in a box under my bed, and the holographic ones are kept in a special folder - I plan to sell ;)

82) take 5 pills everyday in Sydney - vitamins, vitamins and more vitamins.

83) can remember how to play ONE song on the piano - The Entertainer, which I learned almost 10 years ago.

84) have divorced parents.

85) never felt sad or upset because my parents divorced when I was young because I thought it was completely natural.

86) have a famous cousin, who is currently living in Singapore. Max, anyone? :D

87) still have crushes on teachers at eighteen.

88) sometimes wish I had a reason and guts to get a tattoo.

89) don't know if I'm good at anything.

90) am allergic to orange colouring and crustaceans.

91) am desperately trying to lose weight so I can feel good about myself.

92) once danced on my bed in the wee hours of the morning.

93) wish I could make more friends.

94) sing when I'm alone in my room, and sometimes with my guitar if the strum pattern isn't difficult.

95) fly more than 5 times a year to and from Sydney.

96) am, by nature, not a rebel -- but I wish I was a bit of one.

97) am thinking of whether I should leave my hair short, or grow it out a bit so I won't be mistaken as a boy anymore.

98) sometimes feel glad that I went to boarding school in Sydney because I believe that it changed me into someone better.

99) forgot to lock my suitcase on my last trip back from Sydney last week.

100) realised that I was drugged by the cough mixture my mum gave me last night, which made me almost immobile.


PS. Now that took me a while!

& turned on the lights; 18:48

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Felt inspired by Sarah's "i" post, and because I am currently feeling bored and the need to waste time, here's mine. Fifty in this post, fifty in another - I don't think I can do 100 in a sitting. Here goes.


1) have a Chinese name, which not even my family knows how to pronounce.

2) love sushi.

3) really want to do graphic design, but I'm so worried that I'm not creative - at all.

4) want a UAI of 90, but I think I'm not cut out for it.

5) play the guitar, piano, alto saxaphone and timpani.

6) live on the 38th floor of our apartment in Malaysia.

7) hate Maths, but I can't complain with the marks I've been getting lately.

8) want a new camera and a new phone.

9) talk to myself -- regularly, and my boarding house friends know it.

10) was addicted to my lip moisteuriser.

11) am addicted to Eclipse mints. Peppermint flavour.

12) love music.

13) get a kick out of new gadgets.

14) get a bigger kick out of fast cars.

15) want to learn how to ride a motorbike.

16) want to go back to Italy and visit Lake Como.

17) want Daniel Craig and Ewan McGregor. <3

18) wish I did Chemistry ;)

19) wish I had the right reasons to do Chem!

20) make my own bed in the morning.

21) am not rich - it's called WELL-TO-DO damnit.

22) went to an international school.

23) hate going to an all girls school.

24) enjoy the outdoors.

25) like walking in the rain.

26) have a hole in my right school shoe and water gets in on rainy days.

27) like ice-cream.

28) hate boarding house food.

29) hate Dawn Yang and her stupid bulging eyes and plastic face.

30) have to write an essay on Hamlet and Ros&Guil to fax to my English teacher by this Friday.

31) have not started my English essay!

32) wish I had the confidence to dress more feminine.

33) like my gin and tonic with Bombay Sapphire.

34) am feeling very sleepy now.

35) don't know the population of Malaysia.

36) own a Tag Heuer watch, and I feel shiny from it.

37) don't give a crap about my HSC. Why? --

38) don't need a UAI for the course I want to do next year.

39) started doodling after realising what I want to do in the future.

40) can speak three languages - English, Malay and Japanese (although the last two are pretty... neh!)

41) can't wait for college/uni life.

42) found the cheapest car parking lot in the city of Sydney - $4 an hour on weekdays!

43) hate the smell of my dorm - it's like a Chinese grocers shop (quote from Jude)

44) am aware that time flies unnoticed.

45) want to learn how to surf!

46) want to fly business/first class after the HSC - 8 hour flight or not.

47) camwhore too.

48) still have the balloons from my pre-18th birthday party last December.

49) need a coat/jacket, not a hoodie.

50) can count the number of books I have completely read in my life time.

:) Cheers.

& turned on the lights; 19:12

Monday, June 25, 2007

Read my VisualDNA Get your own VisualDNA™

Felt bored and decided to check out VisualDNA. It's very nice. I'm digging the whole layout of things. And it really says alot!

I'm definitely coming down with a cold. Started out with a sore throat, and then a blocked nose - and now I'm sneezing more than I need to (other than being irritated by dust, of course). I was at the doctor's yesterday with mum because she was having some neck pain and she suspected it was her sinuses at work. I didn't even think about asking the doctor for some medication to treat my cold. There goes my ego again -- thinking, a sore throat? Too easy!

I finished watching season two of Prison Break today. I feel like I'm lost. I'm so weird. I actually feel WORRIED for the characters. I attempted to study (which I did, successfully for an hour straight) shortly after that, and I realised that I couldn't help but hope that everything would be all right! Addicted to Prison Break? Me? YES.

I love my speakers. I wish I could take them to Sydney with me and play my music out loud everyday without having to think about people around me in my dorm. I sound selfish, but you know, that's one thing I'm looking forward to at the end of the year.


PS. I think my body clock is still set to the GMT +10:00 time zone. I get sleepy at 10-11pm and wake up at 8-9am every morning. In a way it's good. I don't waste my mornings anymore!

& turned on the lights; 22:16

Friday, June 22, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Yesterday was a long day. Woke up, did the usual packing up business in the boarding house and said some of my goodbyes before heading off to the RTA to do the DKT thing. I ended up waiting about 20 minutes before I could actually do the test. I PASSED! The test was too easy. Completed it with 100% correct. It felt too good to be true. But all right, I did study for it and practice about 5 times without failing in a row. Within the next fifteen minutes, I collected my manual, logbook, L plates and took my photo. Five minutes later, I got my card and I was out of there. Deposited some cash at the bank (like a good girl), and caught coffee with Jude and Pear after bumping into them at Charing Cross.

I waited at the airport for my friend Ray for a good hour, reading Capote's In Cold Blood. Seemed like a good book to be seen reading at an airport, I figured. I was surrounded by a tour group of Chinese people, who daunted me with their lingering and made me wish for Ray to hurry up. Twenty pages, a gazillion messages and an hour later, Ray showed up and we both checked in. Managed to get away with 26kg of luggage each, and on top of that, my 7kg guitar&case. Had some fast food, walked around and went through to the gate. After getting my L licence, I felt so tempted to exercise my rights as an eighteen year old by buying two bottles of Baileys for $47 (or any of the displayed drinks, which included Smirnoff and Glenfidditch whiskey). It was such a good deal. I didn't get it, in the end. The adult in me that wanted to save money said no.

The flight took ages. I couldn't sleep. I shut my eyes many times, but never actually fell asleep. I was sandwiched in between Ray and this strange man, who I thought had never been on a plane before. The man kept asking me random questions. I lied to him. Said I was studying at college doing graphic arts in Sydney. He asked me what the population of Malaysia was. I first didn't think he was serious, but he asked again and again. I couldn't remember what the population count was of Malaysia. I honestly couldn't. I'd remembered learning about this in primary school, and possibly Year 7 geography - but that was more than 5 years ago. I guessed, with the number 14 dominant amongst all the numbers there were in mind - "Fourteen million?" I answered. Turned out it was 22 million. I'm trying not to forget this time.

When is a good time to start studying, I wonder. Now? I don't know when. If I should start now, or maybe tomorrow. I have all these books back with me, and I'm trying to stay focused on making the most of them. Otherwise I filled my suitcase up with more books than clothes for no reason. That'd be the biggest waste.

I didn't really have a good arrival, if you asked me. Mum didn't pick me up from the airport. Instead, she asked Ray's dad, Uncle George to take me home, since we live in neighbouring apartments. I'd rang her at the airport while waiting for my luggage to announce my arrival, and I knew she was out drinking. How sad, I thought - my mum couldn't pick me up because she'd gone drinking at some party or social. She came home drunk shortly after I went to bed, and she smelled of smoke and alcohol. This morning, everyone was rushing around and doing things. I'm now at home and alone, while mum and Inday have gone to the city. What a great way to start the holidays, wouldn't you agree?


& turned on the lights; 10:26

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

During the tech rehearsal.
My timpani, and the one song I dreaded to play,
Lord of the Dance.

And that concludes my final music evening of my schooling career...

I'm ready to go home now. I wish I had the power to fast-forward time so I wouldn't have to carry my suitcase and etc here and there, linger in the airport for 2 hours alone and wait for my flight. I'm so tired.

I've been in stockings for 14 hours. It's such a horrible feeling.

See you there ;)

PS. Couldn't do the DKT after school today. It was fully booked out, so I'm going tomorrow morning instead -- 8.30am. Sigh.

& turned on the lights; 20:15

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

List of things to do before the end of term.
  1. Pack my desk/shelf away.
  2. Pack my books and all notes to be taken home.
  3. Pack my toiletries and other necessities to take home.
  4. After separating what clothes to bring and what not to bring home, pack them.
  5. Pass DKT test and get L license.
  6. Buy Heaven chocolates to bring home.
  7. Play the second performance of Music Evening on Wednesday night.
Lots of things to do before my afternoon flight on Thursday. Lots. And just not enough time to do it. Man, when is there enough time to do anything anyway?

We got our mid-year reports today. Nothing surprising, and nothing most certainly great. Everything was as expected - as usual. The only embarrassing thing about my reports was my English cumulative percentage. When compared to my Christian Studies mark based on one exam (worth 100%), I did better in CS than I did for English! And that Christian Studies exam wasn't even worth what I got. So I guess it's wrong. All wrong. Ok, I'm starting to ramble and my back is hurting alot.

I'm not sure if I should be really looking forward to these holidays, or not. Sure, I'll be back home and it'll be a great break away from school and the boarding house -- but I have to study. I have to study really hard for my trials. The teacher's don't call this time of the year STUVAC for no reason (study/vacation). The exams are practically in seven weeks away, and they're all worth 35-40% each for our internal assessment mark. I don't want to screw it up. With all this time on my hands, I must make the most of it.

That's something I need to learn quick: how to balance leisure time with study.

May not be here to give the rundown on how I go for the DKT test and etc. So perhaps I'll see you on the other side.

Cheers :)

PS. I've decided that if -- IF I fail my second round on the DKT tomorrow afternoon, then I'll do it again for the last time on Thursday morning at 8am before leaving to the airport. It's tight, but I need to get it. I need it so bad.

& turned on the lights; 15:19

Saturday, June 16, 2007

"I am bewitched"

Just watched Pride & Prejudice with Keira Knightley. I loved it. I love it. It was so well done! I just can't believe it. A tad long, but nevertheless a wonderful film. Love it. And Mr Darcy - I love him. If only there was someone like him who was in love with me.

HAHAHA! I laugh at myself for my quixotic notions.


Went to bed at 2.30 this morning, only to wake up four and a half hours later to get ready for the History lectures. I watched Stand By Me (finally), and the last two episodes of Grey's Anatomy Season 3. I'm not sure how my dormies slept peacefully because I cried like there was no tomorrow. Woke up in the morning to find the weather gone absolutely mad (I will endeavour to capture such a moment one day!) and one eye puffier than the other. It feels like Grey's will never come back for another season. [ I assure you, I have not spoiled ANYTHING here! ]

The history lectures were good. I may have been more entertained than educated, however. It was the feeling of being in a university style lecture, in a large lecture hall with rows of seats and tables that go far to the back and at the top. The feeling of being there, listening and writing furiously on a ,every important piece of information said and interpreted as valuable - it was priceless.

Met up with dad and Riana for lunch at our favourite Chinese restaurant Golden Century on Sussex. It was awesome. Aside from the weather, it was so nice of dad to surprise us - although he did feel a bit sad because none of us answered his phone calls when he first arrived.

Went to the RTA again in Bondi Junction to retake my DKT, but the bloody place was shut. The fat man Moe lied to me yesterday. I guess it just gives me a chance to study up for it.

Off to do work.


& turned on the lights; 17:36

Friday, June 15, 2007

FAILED my first attempt at the DKT today. It's a bit saddening, really. Kathy passed though. She got her card and all, and I'm quite jealous. I'm going back tomorrow afternoon to do it again. I even printed out the 93 page manual to study overnight. I must do all it takes to pass! I don't have very long before I fly back home and screw myself over the fact that I'd have to do 120 hours of driving instead of 50!

I got such a surprise today. My dad called me and said he was down in Sydney for a night. Tomorrow morning I've got to go for History lectures on the Cold War and World War 1 at USYD. Thought I'd cut out one of the WW1 lectures to meet up with dad for lunch, despite the fact that I'd be seeing him next week anyway because I'll be home by then. This weekend is looking bright.

Unlike the weather. It's been horrid. It's been raining frequently, and it's terribly cold! I figured all that praying for rain and water in NSW has finally come into action - and now all I hear from those whinging about the drought is "Please stop this rain". To me, the weekend and this weather means soccer socks to bed, curling up in bed with Grey's Anatomy and occasional naps after a hot cup of Milo. Now this is winter at its best.

I've finally done my English speech. That's it. The end of all assessment tasks leading up to the big trials next term. It means we, Year 12s are one step closer to the glorified finish line. I swear I can almost see the light.

Here's me setting my mode to: cruise.

Cheers! :)

& turned on the lights; 17:29

Thursday, June 14, 2007

I'm finally taking my Driver's Knowledge Test (DKT) tomorrow afternoon with Kathy. I'm feeling so nervous. It's just a test, which we can practice on the internet -- but I've been failing it more than passing everytime I practice. That is definately not a good sign. It'll be all right if I fail. I'd just have to take the test again and pay another $38! Considering the price, I'm really not keen on failing that many times.

Pressure's on. I gotta get this licence by next Thursday. Otherwise I'm screwed.



PS. English speech to go, and DKT test. Then I'm right back on "cruise mode" for the weekend. Oh I can't wait.

& turned on the lights; 19:56

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Was asked to play the guitar for vocal backing tomorrow. Madly in short notice, but I agreed anyway. Hopefully I can manage.

Two assessments this week, and I'm done for the rest of the term. History essay on the origins of the Cold War tomorrow, and an English speech on the ethics of journalism on Friday (which I haven't started, but will tomorrow!). Busybusybusy!

Got my Maths assessment task back. I did surprisingly better than I had thought! I'm feeling very content with my 86% on Trig, Log and Exponential Functions test :) Now waiting to fail Biology!

I need to study hard. I need to study hard. I need to study hard.

Can't wait to go home. I'm so over school and boarding. I want to sleep in my own bed and use my own damn toilet.


& turned on the lights; 19:46

Sunday, June 10, 2007

It's been raining cats and dogs for the past 4 days. The weather is beyond miserable. It's this kind of weather that just makes you want to snuggle up in bed for a nap, while the wind constantly rattles your windows on the pane and the trees outside dance wildly.

It's boarders' weekend. That time of the term when the boarding house kicks us out for a weekend. Been slumming it out at Jenny's apartment in the city all weekend. We've been watching Grey's Anatomy season 2 most of the time, and other than that, I've been slipping in and out of study. Met up with Jude, Nom and Dewi for some rather expensive ice-cream and a walk around Chinatown.

Anyway. Currently at a cybercafe near Jenny's place. Ahh. To be online and free again. Videos, music, etc at my fingertips.

I'm rambling. I'm not even listening to myself right now. All I can hear are the thumping beats of the V-Bar next door. Massive.

& turned on the lights; 23:23

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Went to this Career's Expo held at UNSW today with the whole of our school's Year 12 group. Initially, I didn't want to go because I felt very strongly about going to Billy Blue Graphic Arts School and only there. I really closed my window after making that decision. Man, did I open up my window again.

There were so many universities and private colleges there, including cadetships, GAP year programs etc. It was great. Alot of the major universities were there, like UNSW, USYD, UTS and those from out of state, like Monash and the University of Melbourne. I picked up alot of information about design courses from many private colleges and a few universities. I've also found an interest in Marketing, that particular aspect of advertising. I'd always thought marketing was interesting, eversince I did Design & Tech as an elective in Year 10. For some reason, it really appealed to me. It really came back to me today as I was walking past the UNSW Business section and someone said to me that they gave out free bags, which I was rather keen on because I didn't particularly want to carry all these prospectuses around in hand. So I went over there and had a chat with some of the students, got my bag and left - with the idea of marketing in my mind. I particularly liked UTS' Bachelor of Business program, because you could major in one main course, and another sub major of a course from any other course in any other faculty of the university. But the question of whether I want to pursue a career in the advertising industry under the PRODUCTION or RESEARCH/MARKETING side pulled me back. I have to make a decision.

Of course, I still want to go to Billy Blue, but perhaps a Bachelors of Business might be what I'm really look for. Ahhhh, so many questions - and time is running out. Decisions, decisions, decisions!


PS. I don't know what's gotten into me, but I haven't done more than an hour's worth of work in the past two nights. I'm so lazy, unmotivated and tired. I want to go home.

PPS. Maths assessment task is over. Only two to go (English and History)! No cot, secant or cosec graphs were involved in that last maths test, thankfully.

PPPS. I don't get it. I play one guitar solo performance at an In-House concert and suddenly I'm the "to-go-to" person for music backing. I'm performing the guitar solos for this Year 12 prefects concert tomorrow lunch time, andddd doing the guitar backing for some Drama promotion thing on Thursday assembly. My head spins at the thought. I like the attention though. It's cool 8)

& turned on the lights; 18:57

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Currently taking a break from studying. I don't think I really deserve it, but I felt the urge to blog.

Things I've achieved this weekend:

1- Notes on both Trig Functions and Log and Exponential functions and good practice on both topics, but still not remembering the damn graphs of y = cosec x, y = secant x and y = cot x. DAMN IT.
3- Spent exactly one hour at the gym with Kathy on three different machines. We almost died today.
4- Called mum, for the first time and had a decent conversation. Until she stopped listening to me talk about my week and started ragging me about Riana's fucking camp gear and air ticket.

Yes, awesome weekend it's been. I'm also on the lookout for a place to stay for the upcoming boarders weekend. I have no where to go. :S


& turned on the lights; 18:44

Friday, June 01, 2007

Pictures from the Athletics carnival on last Wednesday! Courtesy of Jude :)


The ES Marks field,
aka. Hell in a small compound.

As for all school sporting events, Year 12s get to dress up in a theme
of our choice - and this carnival's was Safari. So I went as a liger (lion + tiger)
and Jude went as a leopard. I got to spike my hair up for my mane

Our "we'd-like-to-get-the-hell-out-of-here" face :)

& turned on the lights; 13:54

about me.

raelene. rae. roro.
eighteen years.
completed her final year of school at st caths, sydney.
is a musician, photographer and aspiring designer.
loves travelling, art, music, great food, clear blue skies, writing and ice-cream.
enjoys drowning in music, strumming random chords on the guitar, playing tennis,
finger-bashing it out on a game console and a bowl of curry laksa.
despises bad traffic, girls with long and fair faces with large contact-lensed eyes, bad food, mascara goop, hard pillows and hard beds.


RAEVILLE came about some time in the year of 2001. or 2002. it's been so long that i've forgotten already.
it all started here (i doubt the link works anymore though), in a dodgy little blog page. then it moved to here. a year later, and we moved to better things, namely blogspot.

ps. raeville is best viewed on mozilla firefox. just because it's better :)


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recent entries.

Blogger to Wordpress
My relationship with VideoEzy
Uncyclopedia-ed Daniel Craig
Some things I really hate.
A trip down memory lane.
Shiny happy freakin' people.
Death at a Funeral
Rainy days


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